The adult entertainment industry is always at the forefront of adopting new technologies, and Virtual Reality (VR) is no exception. This immersive technology is bridging the gap between fantasy and…
Exploring Boundaries in a Relationship: How to Safely Discover New Areas?
Understanding boundaries in a relationship is crucial for ensuring mutual respect, trust, and growth. Exploring new areas together can be an exciting journey, but it’s essential to approach it with…
Sex Without Taboos: How Culture Influences Our Perception of Intimacy
In a world where cultures collide and merge, our views on intimacy and sex undergo constant evolution. From the conservative to the liberal, from tradition to the avant-garde, every society…
How to Tell If a Guy is Intimidated by You
Guys are experts at protecting their emotions and egos, so if they’re intimidated by you they might take measures to avoid direct rejection. He might bring a friend to hang…
Where Does Sperm Go After Menopause?
Millions of sperm cells are produced in the testicles each day. They travel through a system of tubes called the seminiferous tubules, transforming into the tadpole-shaped sperm cells we call…
How Much Does it Cost to Freeze Your Sperm?
Men can freeze their sperm to improve their chances of fathering a healthy baby in the future. This is especially important for men who are facing cancer treatments that could…
How to Eject Sperm For Test
For the test to be accurate, the semen sample needs to be collected quickly and kept at body temperature. This can be done by masturbating into a special cup. During…
What Happens on the Third Date?
Many women think that by the third date they’ll know if they like someone enough to be exclusive. However, for guys this is still getting-to-know-each-other territory. It’s also not a…
Why Does My Husband’s Sperm Burn Me?
If you’ve been using condoms and suddenly started to experience this burning sensation, you may have an allergic reaction to your boyfriend’s semen. This can be prevented with the help…
How Long Does a Sperm Sample Stay Good?
Many men describe the experience of collecting a semen sample for sperm analysis as awkward and even embarrassing. However, a clinic’s staff is used to this and will perform the…
How to Confirm a Date Over Text
Confirming a date over text is a crucial skill to have, but it can be tricky to do without sounding desperate. Here are a few tips on how to do…
How to Set Up a Blind Date
Blind dates are a great way to meet people outside of your usual circle. But they can also be incredibly awkward. A few simple etiquette tips can help you avoid…
How to Know If a Date Went Well
Trying to figure out if a date went well can be stressful. It’s normal to overanalyze every little thing that happened and find out if you left a good impression…
How Fat Is Too Fat to Date?
There are plenty of reasons why fat women may be apprehensive about dating. Beyond the normal vexes of ghosting and navigating f**k boys, there’s also the fear of being body-shamed….
How to Make a Squirting Orgasm
One of the biggest mysteries surrounding squirting is what the fluid that comes out actually looks and feels like. It can look milky or clear, and it can drip, dribble,…
Where Does Sperm Go After Prostate Cancer Surgery?
Prostate cancer treatment can affect a man’s ability to produce and ejaculate semen. This is due to damage caused by radiation or chemotherapy, or by an infection. The prostate gland…
What Type of Girl Intimidates Guys?
Men often feel intimidated by women who have a lot of confidence and a go-getter attitude. These qualities aren’t bad, but it can be intimidating for guys to be around…
How Long After Quitting Smoking Weed Will Sperm Improve?
Smoking marijuana has many negative effects on fertility, including low sperm count, erectile dysfunction, and changes in reproductive hormones. These effects can linger for weeks or even months after smoking…
How Long Does Sperm DNA Stay in a Woman?
A social media post went viral with the claim that women absorb sperm DNA when they have sex and that it lives inside them forever. But the science behind that…
Why is My Sperm Watery?
Normally, semen is a thick, white liquid that contains both fluids and sperms. However, certain body conditions can cause it to look watery. Frequent masturbation, for example, can make your…
What to Expect on the Second Date
The second date is a significant milestone in the dating process. It signals that you’re both serious about the relationship and willing to invest time in getting to know each…
How Many Dates Until Relationship Ends
A lot of people use the ten date rule as a gauge for if it is worth moving into a full relationship. This number of dates gives you plenty of…
Bedazzled in Berlin: Octavia Red’s Sparkling Showcase In VR Porn
Octavia Red, a 26-year-old model from Los Angeles, is taking the adult VR industry by storm. Since her debut in 2020, Octavia has starred in over 65 VR scenes for…
How to Date a Gamer
Gaming is a huge hobby for many people. Like any other addiction, it’s not healthy to spend too much time on something. Dating a gamer comes with its own unique…
Why Do People Date People Who Look Like Them?
We’ve all heard the saying that opposites attract, but what about when it comes to finding a partner who shares your own look? Lookalike couples are more common than you…
Why Does My Sperm Smell Like Fish?
Normal semen has a mild, bleach-like smell and is slightly alkaline (above 7 on the pH scale). Your diet can affect the way your sperm and semen smell. If your…
How Old is Too Old to Date?
Many people question and judge relationships that have a large age gap. However, love conquers all. Regardless of your age, it’s important to be clear about what you want from…